Welcome Amanda Page

Welcome to Amanda Page, an Australian artist working with issues of transformation. Her works develop from observing and documenting atmospheric activity in natural systems. Page has worked extensively with climate change in Antarctica. Her work on Svalbard will include making a donation to the Seed Vault from Agriculture Victoria in Australia and documenting that process through the making of cyanotypes and photograms, and also a sculpture when she returns to Australia. The creative concept she will be working with on Svalbard is about conducting specific research and art making that captures and records changes of state in materials (seeds) and a seed’s cyclic processes (growth, decay, regeneration). As seeds decompose and are dispersed by fauna or regenerated by agricultural practices, they provide nutrients and sustenance for further life. Out of death rises regeneration. Seeds have to completely destroy themselves for the survival of their own species, and other species, human, plant and animal.


Welcome Andreas Lærum


The Oru Project