Welcome The Kotzebue Kollective

We welcome Richard Denny and Karolina Lehtma from Estonia who are The Kotzebue Kollective. Working with photography, painting, collage, text, film and audio they explore

collective memory and the relationship between space and how it becomes a place. The

concepts of hauntology, psychogeography and the aura of place and objects are part of their

research and practice. Spitsbergen has long interested them due to the convergence of its coal companies, wilderness, and international population. Its current position in the global warming crisis and its history of coal mining

together with the tourist industry create many possible conversations/narratives/discussions. The Kotzebue Kollective's is dictated by the place/space, and generally encompasses a diverse range of materials including photography and collage.


The Oru Project


Welcome Darryn Lee