Louise Rapley Screening

18 March 2022 Spitsbergen Kunstnerssenter / Artists Center presented the first solo screening by Norwegian / New Zealand Filmmaker and Visual Artist Louise Rapley.

The screening featured Sirenen fra Arktisk (2022). A film that merges different artistic disciplines to depict the fantasy of ‘North’. Specifically through the lens of the artist's internal landscape and how that interacts with the external landscape of Svalbard. Louise showed her work in progress and also curated a showing of her grandfather Espen Thorstensons’ film Mira (1970).

Sirenen fra Arktisk (2022) Directed by Louise Rapley.

Mira (1970) Directed by Espen Thorstenson as one part of a three film anthology Dager fra 1000 År.

Svalbard Work in Progress (2022) Directed by Louise Rapley. This work in progress shows episodes of a Svalbard anthology series focusing on exploring the Arctic Archipelago through the lens of the imagination of the artist.


Welcome Darryn Lee


Jacobus Capone